Where Can I buy?
This site is principally a placeholder while I spin up an app and company for it.
The fundamental concept of this site is as follows in the form of a short life experience;
A several years back I was traveling in state with family and we needed to get dinner late at night. Most of us didn't want to leave the hotel, so I offered to go and pick up the food. We found a well reviewed bar/restaurant about a block away, so every one wrote down there orders, and I was away.
I arrived at a place with wonderful ambiance: live music, paintings, people in fervent discussion, and a modern aesthetic that I quite identified with. In the middle was a ovaloid bar, I promptly sat down and placed the food order, and while I was waiting I ordered a beer. Here we come to the crux of the story, while no connoisseur am I (if such a word indeed applies to beer) this beer was by far and away the best I had ever had. As the food was not fast, I ordered another and wrote down the name of the beer so I might find it again.
The food was ready and I walked it back to the hotel room slightly tipsily, but happy as a hummingbird with the name and brand of the beer on a scrap of a napkin in my pocket. I was at first quite confident that I'd be able to find it again. In one respect I was correct, a simple Google search linked me to the website of the brewery. However, I was and still am for that matter, far from the end of my search. It turns out that ordering alcohol across state lines isn't always as straight forward as it could be, the lingering vestigages of prohibition being what they are. Some fairly reputable beer and wine websites even had the product listed, but wouldn't ship it to my state.
And thus are ideas borne. I'll be writing an app to help people find where locally to buy things. While I'll be starting this as a beer and wine search, I see no reason why it couldn't expand to other products. Though Amazon and the like are great for many things, sometimes you just want to go get the thing immediately.
As far as financing is concerned, I want to find some way to make this self-sustaining. Perhaps incentivizing people to report where they find such a thing by collaborating with local businesses to offer a small discount for pointing people there way. Maybe reaching out to breweries, as they would know to what stores they sell. Conceivably even using AI to ask local businesses if they carry the product. In the beginning the app will likely have to be ad subsidized, but I detest distracting ads in the apps I use, so this phase will be kicked to the curb as soon as is feasible. One advertising avenue I am open to would be a highly targeted and useful submission, from local businesses to local users for products they have said they'd be interested in.
Regarding implementation, I've been looking allot at using Nostr as a base protocol for the client and building from there. Though I'm not yet convinced this is the correct path for me to take.
I'll be doing this in my free time between working fulltime and a family, so I cannot guarantee anything on the order of alacrity or speedy progress. However, sometimes one just has to start a new thing, no matter the resources available.
If you think you might want to contribute time or money to this concept, please feel free to get in contact. Sift out the phone numbers from the rest to prove humanness or solve the puzzle:
US country code, the number of apexes of a triangle separated by a zero for the area code, 2^3 3 2^2 - (2^3)-1 8 and the first two decimal places of π.